
now becoming the go-to place for unlocking Apple’s best secrecy-protected devices. This process from the Lab is now the most efficient way to unlock the Macbook pro, Air, or iMac in the shortest amount of time.


Dhaka Apple Lab uses the latest advanced technology to quickly unlock the EFI Chip in Macbooks. It is reliable, quick and secure, offering a highly successful respite for those who want to upgrade their Macbook but are facing the roadblock of an unknown EFI password.

Since its launch late last year, Dhaka Apple Lab has quickly become the go-to place for quick and safe unlocking Macbooks. The Lab’s forensic experts are capable of unlocking any EFI lock on Macbooks, including Air and iMacs, hence removing the hurdle and helping users gain access to their machines.

The team at the Lab is also known for their excellent customer service and highly reliable unlocking process, and they offer an amazing delivery time which is judged in terms of a few hours.

So if you were looking for a reliable way to unlock your Macbook, don’t look any further and head straight to Dhaka Apple Lab.